Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Students Islamic Organisation of India(SIO) Hubli unit organized a “JAC FEST” from Dec.13 to 20th.The JAC week was started with a cricket tournament on Dec.13th, in which three teams took part. On the same day evening a documentary show was held at Islamic Centre, large number of students witnessed.On Saturday Dec.19th ,Essay & Drawing competition were held.The concluding programme -
Cum-prize distribution ceremony was held on the last day i.e Dec.20th.Janab Abdul Haseeb(ZAC member JIH Karnataka) was the chief guest.He stressed on the students and parents to sharpen their talents and utilize their student hood in becoming a good, ideal, knowledgeable,practicing young muslim. Prizes for Winner & runner-up teams,Best bouler and Best batsman,& prizes for Best drawing & Best Essay were honoured. On the same occasion five JAC students of SSLC were promoted to SIO from the junior circle.